Contact & Frequently asked questions

We're here for any question you might have. Check out our contact details & FAQs below.

We are always on the lookout for new business partners and nature restoration organisations to make a green impact with. Feel free to get in touch with one of our colleagues below or, for general enquiries, reach out to

Have a question? We're happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is treebytree?

What does treebytree do?

How does it work?

Why gift trees?

Social enterprise

Who owns the trees?

Why 1 billion trees?


Who takes care of the actual trees?

What's a Regreening Partner?


Why is ecosystem restoration and bringing back trees necessary?

Why Africa?

How do you calculate your impact?

Why is my calculated impact different than before?

How much CO₂ do trees absorb?

How much water does a tree retain?

How do you positively impact communities?

What impact do trees have on biodiversity?

What's with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals?

Do you offer carbon credits or offsets?

Tree gifting platform

What are the supported browsers and versions for different operating systems?